Friday, December 26, 2014

December 2014

     We have had a very lovely December. It has been so warm the babies and I have gone to the park several times. Most park trips last for about 10 minutes and then break down into mass chaos punctuated with weeping and wailing. Usually both babies are running in different directions (generally straight for the street) while I run in zig-zags after them yelling and flailing my arms. Seeing the vision yet? Once I catch Rose, she starts screaming bloody murder while an elderly lady walking her dog asks if we are ok and if we need help. I say, "No, we're fine thanks," while I am actually thinking, "Only heaven could help us now!!!" I recently made a solemn oath to never take the babies to the park by myself again. That lasted about a week and then I was back at it. :) Couldn't miss out on the great weather. 
     The babies have been dressing in style for the Christmas season (thanks yard sales!) and I love taking pictures of them all dressed up. Rose got sick on Christmas Eve, but still managed to have a fun holiday. The big present they received from Santa was a little slide. Lili went down over and over saying "Whee! Whee!" Rose's favorite gift was a My Little Pony doll with a little bottle. She has been carrying it around ever since. Pretty cute. We all enjoyed spending time with family and everyone was so thoughtful and generous to the babies. Thanks everyone for thinking of our girls! 

Baby Rose shares her feelings about wearing a baby leash.

Lili enjoys the park

Rose enjoys the park

Lili shows her feelings....

Lili enjoys Christmas decorations (with adult supervision of course) 

Lili and Rose after church

Lili self-soothes

Rose takes a break

Lili after church

Rose after church

Santa came!

Rose models her new hat from cousin Kate

Lili eats lunch at Nona and Grandpa's house

"Do I look pleased?" 

Lili with cousin Emily

Lili and Rose play with presents at Grandpa Bryson's house

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Family Photos!

     So we got our first family pictures taken about a month ago! They were taken by Mandy Carroll of Mandy Carroll Photography. She makes us look much cuter than we actually are. Ok, so the babies are pretty darn cute on their own, but I'm sure Chris and I required a bit of editing. ;) We may look all calm and collected here, but it was quite a trial getting us all ready for this casual-looking photo shoot. I think our house was a disaster by the time we were ready to go. We had finally decided what to wear that morning, so I had some laundry to do so everything would be clean. Little did I know, that after I put the jeans in the washing machine, the babies went in and pressed a bunch of buttons on the machine, causing it to stop spinning the water out of the clothes. When I figured out what they did, I ran the machine through a rinse cycle, hoping to get more of the water out. No luck. It still wouldn't spin the clothes out! So I just put them in the dryer. Two hours later, the clothes were still saturated! By then, there was barely enough time to dry the clothes we needed, so I just tossed a bunch of wet laundry on the laundry room floor and put the few pieces we needed back in the dryer. In the mean time, the girls got into a jar of petroleum jelly which they rubbed all over the (brand new) pants I was wearing before I even realized what they were doing. Also, at some point during the day, we realized there was  going to be a solar eclipse at precisely the time we were supposed to be taking pictures. Luckily, it was only a partial eclipse and didn't really have any noticeable negative impact on the light. 
     I think all of the adults at this shoot pretty much did every foolish thing possible to get these girls to smile and look at the camera. It probably would have been entertaining to watch. Lili couldn't hardly stand to let Rose be the center of attention when it was time for Rose's pictures. She had to run over and try to get in all of the pictures and she threw a fit when I tried to get her attention on something else. Their favorite part was sitting in the tall grass pulling up as much as they could. Their second favorite part was getting as dirty as possible. These girls love the outside! When we got home that evening, we arrived to a huge mess of clothes (wet and dry) and a bunch of smeared petroleum jelly. Worth it!